
Popover is an interactive contextual overlay that provides additional content or actions.

If you're looking to display content on hover, refer to Tooltip.


  • Opens via keyboard or when the trigger element is clicked by the mouse.
  • Dismissed with the Escape key or by navigating outside.
  • Traps focus inside the popover, and restores it when dismissed.
  • Has pre-defined positioning options, but should adjust itself dynamically based on collisions and available space.

#Best practices

#Avoid for primary actions or content

A popover should not be used simply due to poor design or lack of space in layout. The content inside a popover should not be critical to the user's primary task on the page.

Aim to use a popover for secondary actions or supplementary information, such as filters or descriptions.

#Indicate additional content

The appearance of a popover should not come as a surprise to the user. Strive to hint that there's additional content to be displayed from the trigger element.

A clear and predictable label, such as "Actions" or "Select item", along with an icon, can help convey the expectation of additional content.

#Position aside the trigger element

A popover should be non-disruptive and appear contextually in relation to the element that it opens from.

For the most part, it should be quite clear which element does the popover correspond to. Optionally, consider using an arrow to explicitly identify the associated trigger element.

Avoid using a popover for a full screen overlay. Instead, use a Modal.

#Include rich content

Since a popover remains visible after user interaction, you should only be using it for rich content, such as images, links, and lists.

If the content of a popover is plain text and not meant to be interacted with, consider using a Tooltip instead.



To avoid parent containers possibly clipping the popover and its content, render the popover outside the DOM hierarchy of its parent component.

In React, a common mechanism for this is a Portal.

#Trigger element

Consider the following API for a moment:

<Popover content={...}>

In most cases, a <button> element (or a component that renders one) will probably be used for the trigger by the consumer.

However, it is entirely possible to pass in a string or a non-interactive element:

<Popover content={...}>
<Popover content={...}>
<img src="/image.jpg" alt="Image" />

In this case, users will not be able to access the popover's content via keyboard or receive relevant feedback when using a screen reader.

To always ensure proper accessibility, provide a warning and implicitly wrap the trigger with a <button> or custom interactive element with proper ARIA attributes and keyboard support.


#Keyboard interaction and focus

  • Opens via the Enter or Space keys, or by clicking the trigger element.
  • On open, focus moves into the popover container to navigate elements inside with the Tab key.
  • Dismissed by tabbing out of the popover, pressing the Escape key, or clicking outside.
  • When dismissed, focus returns to the trigger element.

#ARIA attributes

  • The trigger element has aria-expanded set to true or false based on the open state.
  • The trigger element has aria-controls set to the id of the popover element.
  • The trigger element has aria-haspopup set to the suitable role attribute of the popover, depending on the type of content.